I’ve been asked a few times what love feels like to me:
Every moment feels like a movie - weightless, full, and memorable. It’s red hot. Passionate. Drunk. It’s what they make movies about. The writers themselves couldn’t have imagined it being this good.
It’s teenage. Your music tastes change and you find out every which way they can be more and more a part of you.
It is just you and this other person on this earth. The environment around you dissolves away and nothing else matters.
You’ve found yourself in a new world, and you’re excited to poke around and explore more of it.
An extreme gratitude, that you never could have ever deserved anything like this. Not in your dreams, not like this, no way in hell. You both got lucky. And that’s it.
The universe just stopped to take a breath. It is still. That this moment was made just for you. Every turn of human history, every life choice, every cosmic coincidence to support life on Earth and your paths coming together… has culminated to this moment. So that you and your person could be here, right now.
Where you lose track of time. You blink and hours, days, and months go by. The chapters write themselves and it feels incredibly natural. You feel in flow.
Perhaps above all, love is work. It is the exhaustion after a long day. Beyond the flowers, love feels like commitment. It is honest + hard work. Work worth doing. That no matter what comes of the days ahead, you will bend yourself and the world to safeguard your partnership, the moments, and your together future. You will work to make this work.
I still haven’t found a song that truly feels like love, but Sade gets pretty close